How to understand dog talk, Dogs Communication.
Do dogs really communicate with you?
Just because they can’t vocalize words doesn’t mean they don’t communicate. Rest assured dogs express themselves with facial expressions, behaviors and vocalizations to say how they feel.
By observing and learning your dog’s habits and mannerisms you’ll have a better understanding and will be able to make more sense of what they may be trying to tell you.
Check out this video of this dog saying, “I love you”. Do you really think they understand what they’re saying? Even if you don’t, it sure is cute.
Dogs Communication, Dogs speak in other ways:
Barking: Dog barking is a language of sorts. Sometimes they’re expressing playful noises to other dogs or their humans. Depending on when they bark, for example at night, they could be working off excess energy, announcing their presence to other dogs or warning others to stay away.
They bark to attract attention. Different types of barks that mean different things. With a little practice you’ll learn to interpret your dog’s bark.
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Wagging Tail: The wagging tail is commonly believed to mean the dog is happy and friendly, but there could be more to it. A dog wagging their tail may not always equal happy and friendly.
Dogs use their tails to communicate a variety of emotions in addition to happiness, they may express anger, annoyance, agitation or even fear. Dogs typically wag their tail when they’re around other animals or humans. When they’re alone, they generally don’t wag their tails.
The America Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) expert Dr. Stephen Zawistowski believes the meaning behind tail wagging can vary.
From, he recommends to “think of tail wagging like a smile. Sometimes you smile without knowing, and sometimes you can make yourself smile. I think dogs are the same with their tails. Sometimes it just happens, and other times it seems like they ‘think’ about it.”
Generally, when the tail is hung low, it suggests fear or anxiety. A tail mid-way means the dog is calm. A tail straight up means the dog is alert or aggressive.
However, different breeds tend to have natural postures that you should be aware of. For example, Greyhounds tend to naturally carry their tail fairly low and Jack Russell Terries seem to carry their tails almost straight up.
You should surely get to know your dog before making assessments of your dog’s emotions.
Kissing: Dogs generally show appreciation by kissing.
Certainly depending on how you react to your dog’s kiss can influence the meaning behind future kisses. Dogs may take comfort in licking or “giving kisses”.
Our dog, Leo will lick anything from us to a blanket, a couch, we’ve even caught him kissing the wall. Dogs also like kissing human skin simply because it tastes good from the natural oils and salt from sweat on your skin.
Oftentimes when you get a big, wet, sloppy dog kiss your dog gets a positive reaction and will likely repeat the behavior.
Once you understand Dogs Communication a little more and how to communicate with your dog, you’ll be able to develop and maintain a healthy relationship and a mutual respect.
Thanks for reading this article, I appreciate it.
Debi & Chewie
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