“If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.” ~ Phil Pastoret
Doggie Smarts
Some people think dogs aren’t smart but believe me just like people different dogs have different smarts. Any dog is only as smart as the “education” they may receive. Owners who put in the time and effort to train their dog often have happier and well-behaved pups.
Have you ever watched your pup evaluating a certain circumstance? He’s actually thinking! You may be surprised at how smart he really is.
A few dogs are specifically bred for their sharp talent for their smarts. Canines that assist the visually impaired or herd animals, for instance, are valued for their judgment and rudimentary thinking. These dogs are picked over others for their physical attributes.
The ten smartest dog breeds according to PetMD are:
- Border Collie
- Poodle
- German Shepherd
- Golden Retriever
- Doberman Pinscher
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Labrador Retriever
- Papillion
- Rottweiler
- Australian Cattle Dog
Even though some breeds learn more quickly than others dogs can still learn it just may take a little longer. A key training technique comes down to knowing what motivates a pup.
Just like humans, dogs that are more experienced appear to have higher intelligence.
Dogs that live a varied way of life and interact with other dogs and people have their intelligence tested by encounters they have.
A dogs way of life overwhelmingly decides their ability for insight. However, a purebred has just as much possibility of being smart as a mutt. However, similarly as with people, individual intelligence actually appears to depend, to some degree, on inherited genes.
Generally speaking a dog’s intelligence depends on memory as opposed to actual reasoning. Your dog adjusts his behavior based on rewards or discipline received.
A dog’s memory is tied to its senses too. Scent memory, auditory and visual memories are important tools in your dog’s memory banks. They build on their experiences and slowly learn.\\
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PS. Behavior Training For Dogs – Develop your Dogs “Hidden Intelligence”
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